“Home should be an anchor, a port in a storm, a refuge, a happy place where we are loved and where we can love” - Marvin J Ashton

Hope is proud of the housing grants we have been able to secure that enable us to help our homeless population, and those facing the prospect of homelessness, in various ways.

Contact Tamica Williams, Housing Case Manager

(914)636-4010 or housing@hope-cs.org

Permanent Supportive Housing

HOPE offers permanent supportive housing through a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant for the homeless population. This program works with landlords to locate and secure safe and affordable housing in Westchester County. The Program also ensures long term success by offering case management services.


Homeless Resource Center

HOPE’s Homeless Resource Center (HRC) offers residents in the local shelter a respite during the day, food, computer use, games and TV, as well as resources to find a place of their own.