The Time is NOW
With the gift of a new building from Calabria Mutual Aid Society, we have been provided an amazing opportunity to create a new home for HOPE in our existing community. HOPE has done incredible work in it’s current rented facility and we look forward to what we can accomplish in a truly functional space that will be our permanent home.
The $6 million project will include:
New commercial kitchen
Inviting community dining room
Self-select supermarket style food pantry
Multi-use community spaces
Administrative offices
Sufficient storage
All within a beautiful, dignified
neighborhood community center.
Click on the image to watch the Channel 12 News report.
Thank you Congressman Bowman
Congressman Jamaal Bowman was able to secure a grant from congress for $1,150,000 towards the creation of our new Community Center.
We greatly appreciate Congressman Bowman’s support of HOPE!
Current Building
Layout requires
a rehabilitationAdditional stories needed
Sections are no longer conform
to codeAge
degradationDrainage issues
New Building
Architect Rendering
Functional Layout
Rehabilitation will conform
to code requirementsAdditional 9,000
square feetImproved structure
and water
managementWill provide a dignified neighborhood community center